LAPTOPs Versions and Their Performances

'All laptops are not created equal some are higher than the others' this is why you need to determine what your computing demands are since Laptops companies produce different capabilities of laptops to meet up to different consumers requirements.This simply means that all laptops are not the same in terms of processor type, speed ,hardisk capacity,ram size,no. of USB ports,screen size resolution and all those features. 

                            ENTER DELL's Latitude

OK, lets commence to analyse  some specifications to help you make more better choice before you buy a laptop.Dell is a
 major computer producing company ,and they make kinds of computers to tailored to serve each consumer based on his computing needs .Among their productions include computers and laptops that are called Latitude.

The Dell Latitude Laptops/computer is targeted for business use.IF you want to use your laptop to run a basic Productivity business this is the way to go. Dell latitude E7240 is a typical business class Notebook and bears an 86% high performance rating that's a whooping 4.5star.HOWEVER,IT IS way too expensive for its features and don't expect an awesome display screen if you are a photoeditor

Dell Latitude laptops/computers are also built to Dell's RoadReady specification which includes a durable magnesium-alloy casing (though budget versions D500 and E5000-series Latitudes are mainly plastic casing), internal metal frames and Strike Zone shock protection in case the computer is dropped on a hard surface


Hewlet packard is another company that make computers too and they have the HP Pavillion range of Personal laptops and computers include the g6 series which is known to be a very powerful system in terms of overall desireable laptop performance.HP laptops are popularly known for their Hot flashy design and come in different sizes ranging from 20.1"(HDX9000) inches to 8.9"inches(MINI 1000 MI)
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